Uploading the Final Timesheet to R12 for Payroll Administration


This article guides timekeepers on how to upload the final timesheet into R12 for payroll administration purposes.


Complete the following sequential steps to upload the final timesheet in R12 for payroll administration purposes:

  • Log into R12.
  • Select the menu (i.e., navigator) icon in the left corner of the browser. This will display a menu on the left side of the browser.
  • Scroll to "Metro OTL MNPS Department Timekeeper" and select "Time Entry Transfer."
  • Under "File Transfer," choose "Browse" and attach the school timesheet. Once selected, select "Transfer." Note: The timesheet must be in CSV format.
  • After successfully transferring, highlight the hyperlink name of the school timesheet (i.e., CSV file link) and select "Copy."
  • Navigate to "Metro OTL MNPS Department Timekeeper" and choose "Submit Requests."
  • Select "Run" to open, then choose "Single Request," and finally select "Okay."
  • In the "Run this Request" menu, select the three dots next to the "Name" field. This displays the "Parameters" menu.
  • "Paste" the hyperlink name of the school timesheet in the "File Name" field.
  • Everything populates correctly in the "Parameters" menu except for "Pay Period Date" and "Batch Number." Thus, choose the correct pay period date. The "Batch Number" is the timekeeper's employee identification number.
  • Under "Processing Mode," select "Proof" to determine if there are errors, then select "Okay."
  • Then, navigate to the "Run this Request" menu and select "Submit."
  • Next, when R12 prompts "Submit another request?" select "No."
  • Scroll back to the menu (i.e., navigator) icon in the left corner of the browser and choose "View Requests."
  • This action opens "Find Requests." Then, select "View All My Requests." Also, select "Order By" and "Request ID." Finally, select "Find."
  • Select current request ID and then choose "View Output."
  • "Open" to review your "Proof" version in Microsoft Excel.
  • Double check the pay period for accuracy and be sure the "Mode" is "Proof." Then check the "Entry File Upload" for any errors. If there are no errors, save the file as "Proof." Note: If there are errors, resolve those errors before completing the below sequential steps.
  • Navigate back to R12.
  • Under "Requests Menu," select "Submit a New Request" or go back to the menu (i.e., navigator) and select "Submit a New Request."
  • Under "Submit New Request," choose "Single Request."
  • Under the "Name" column, select three dots and "Paste" the hyperlink name of the school timesheet in the "File Name" field.
  • Everything populates correctly in the "Parameters" menu except for "Pay Period Date" and "Batch Number." Thus, choose the correct pay period date. The "Batch Number" is the timekeeper's employee identification number.
  • Under "Processing Mode, select "Final" and then choose "Okay."
  • Then, navigate to the "Run this Request" menu and select "Submit."
  • Next, when R12 prompts "Submit another request?" select "No."
  • Scroll back to the menu (i.e., navigator) icon in the left corner of the browser and choose "View Requests."
  • This action opens "Find Requests." Then, select "View All My Requests."
  • Under "Requests," select "Metro OTL TE Report" and then "View Output."
  • Choose "Open" to review your "Final" version in Microsoft Excel.
  • Double check the pay period for accuracy and be sure the "Mode" is "Final."
  • Finally, save the CSV file (i.e., School Process Final).
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