Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal


This article provides information on the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal as well as how to access the portal. The Employee Self Service (ESS) portal is a one-stop shop where you can access pay stubs, tax information, benefits information, and update your address, W-4 elections, direct deposit information, and more.


The Employee Self Service (ESS) portal is a one-stop shop where you can access pay stubs, tax information, benefits information, and update your address, W-4 elections, direct deposit information, and more. Follow the below instructions to login:

  • Visit the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal.
  • Enter your username. Note: You will use your district Microsoft Office 365 username to login (e.g., JDoe@mnps.org).
  • Enter your password. Notes: Your password is the same password used to log into all MNPS enterprise systems. If you cannot remember your password, contact the Technology Assistance Center at (615) 269-5956.
  • Open the “Navigator” by clicking the three lines in the top left corner of the web browser.
  • Select “Metro MNPS Employee Self-Service” and view the drop-down menu of options.

For general questions regarding the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal contact the ITS Helpdesk at (615) 862-4357 or via email to itshelpdesk@Nashville.gov

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