This service allows executive principals and supervisors to document indications leading to reasonable suspicion of substance abuse for testing purposes.
Services Provided
Documenting Indications Leading to Reasonable Suspicion of Substance Abuse for Testing Purposes
Available To
Executive Principals & Supervisors
Getting Started
When an executive principal or supervisor observes appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of an employee which are characteristic of the use of alcohol or controlled substances, a drug and alcohol test may be ordered. Executive principals and supervisors should follow the four sequential steps, on the right, when addressing an employee suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Step One: Assessing Reasonable Suspicion of Substance Abuse
If an executive principal or supervisor has reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, immediately contact the Employee Relations designee. Designees include the following:
- Mary Ellen Muñoz, Employee Relations Director (High Schools, School Nutrition Department, & Maintenance Department)
- Denetra Batey, Employee Relations Manager (Middle Schools & Transportation Department)
- Linda Young, Employee Relations Manager (Elementary Schools & Security Department)
For any other Support Hub departments, contact Employee Relations staff above for additional assistance. The Employee Relations designee will help you assess reasonable suspicion.
Step Two: Documenting Reasonable Suspicion of Substance Abuse & Form Submission
In addition to informing Employee Relations, the executive principal or supervisor must complete the Documentation of Reasonable Suspicion of Substance Abuse Form in Services for You. Select the Request Service Button, to complete the form.
Step Three: Authorizing a Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test
The Director of Employee Relations or designee reviews the documentation and pertinent information to ascertain and confirm suspicion. If the Director of Employee Relations or designee agrees, they will order the employee to submit to a controlled substances and/or alcohol test, complete and sign the official Authorization Form, and fax the Form to the designated testing site. The Director of Employee Relations or designee will also share testing site location information with the executive principal or supervisor. Any refusal by an employee to submit to a test shall be viewed the same as a positive result.
Step Four: Transporting the Employee to the Drug Testing Location
No employee shall be allowed to drive or perform any health or safety function when suspected of being impaired, until a test report that the employee is medically qualified to work is received. An executive principal or supervisor should transport the employee to the testing site and ensure that the employee has a way home after the test. Any employee suspected of substance abuse will be placed on administrative leave by the Employee Relations Department, until the results of testing have been received.
For more information on drug and alcohol testing as well as reasonable suspicion, please review Administrative Procedure 5.403.1p