This service allows departing employees to share feedback regarding their experiences, reasons for leaving, satisfaction levels, and suggestions for organizational improvement.
Services Provided
This service allows departing employees to share feedback regarding their experiences, reasons for leaving, satisfaction levels, and suggestions for organizational improvement.
Available To
All MNPS Employees
Getting Started
The Exit Survey gathers information regarding your experience as a Metro Nashville Public Schools employee. It is specifically designed for and shared with departing employees. Survey questions capture perceptions and feedback regarding your experiences, reasons for leaving, satisfaction levels, and suggestions for organizational improvement. The information collected from Exit Surveys are used to identify areas of improvement, reduce turnover, and enhance employee retention strategies.
We appreciate you taking the time to answer all survey questions honestly. Individual responses are treated with confidentiality, are not shared with your supervisor, and do not become part of your personnel file. You can complete the Exit Survey by selecting the “Request Service” button.