Popular Services

Assistance with employment verification for Student Loan Forgiveness.

Assistance with obtaining verification of employment and income with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.

This service allows employees and potential employees to submit a request for additional support or information to the Substitute Services Office.

Assistance with updating your home address with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.

This service aims to guide you in verifying your teaching and administrative experience with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.

Assistance with verification of previous teaching and administrative experience for salary and earning purposes with MNPS.

Assistance with employment verification for Public Higher Education Fee Discount.

The Position Change Request or PCR form is used to (1) create or post a vacancy in Taleo, or (2) make a change to an existing position. This article shares information about the PCR as well as how and when to utilize the form.

This services allows employees to file a grievance/complaint.

This service enables employees to seek assistance or submit inquiries regarding the Tennessee licensing process for teachers and administrators.

Assistance with submitting a request to receive a copy of your district personnel file.

Assistance with obtaining a separation of employment letter.

This article provides information on executive principals and supervisors can access Taleo, the district’s talent management system.

This article aims to provide information on how to transfer accumulated Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) sick leave out-of-county or no another Metro Nashville General Government entity.

This article aims to provide information on how to transfer accumulated out-of-county sick leave to Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS).

This service allows departing employees to share feedback regarding their experiences, reasons for leaving, satisfaction levels, and suggestions for organizational improvement.

This service allows executive principals and supervisors to document indications leading to reasonable suspicion of substance abuse for testing purposes.

Assistance with submitting a Professional Employee Organization (POE) leave request.

This service allows charter schools to submit their licensure import file.